
naturalne suplementy

When and why is it worth using dietary supplements?

Whether multivitamins and other dietary supplements are essential for the general population is a source of ongoing debate. Supplements are still recommended for some groups – for example, for pregnant women who should take folic acid to reduce the risk of nervous system defects, or for children, especially in developing countries whose diets do not …

When and why is it worth using dietary supplements? Read More »

jak stosować suplementację

How to use supplementation correctly so that it is safe and has optimal effect on the body?

Even the best diet rich in all nutrients is not enough to provide the body with all vitamins and microelements. And yet they are responsible for the fullness of our health and well-being. In addition, many factors affect the digestive process, including the emotional state, quality of food, the way food is prepared and the …

How to use supplementation correctly so that it is safe and has optimal effect on the body? Read More »